
terminal buds Learn more about terminal buds

  • Which kinds of walnut tree buds can be divided into?

    Which kinds of walnut tree buds can be divided into?

    Walnut is a monoecious plant. Buds can be divided into leaf buds, female flower buds, male flower buds and dormant buds. Female flower bud (mixed bud): more than 1-3 nodes at the apex of the branch. The morphological characteristics are as follows: the bud is the largest, spherical, the scales are tight, and the top of the bud is obtusely round. Female flower bud sprouting

    2020-11-27 Walnuts fruit trees buds can be divided into which several kinds walnuts yes male and female
  • The technique of transplanting lotus root with terminal bud

    The technique of transplanting lotus root with terminal bud

    1. Raising seedlings with terminal bud: the ratio of seedling bed to transplanting paddy field is 1:10. In the first and middle of April, 1800 kg of rotten organic fertilizer was applied to each mu of seedling bed, which was leveled after turning 25 cm deep, and was surrounded by a ridge of 30 cm high and 25 cm wide. Select the fat, sturdy, disease-free and intact lotus root, cut off the terminal bud and gently press it into the seedling bed according to the density of 1 plant in 8 square centimeters, the tip of the bud is exposed to the bed, then pour 2-3 cm deep water into the bed, and then use bamboo pieces to form a 1-meter-high arch frame, covered with plastic film, and the surrounding pressure is tightly closed. Three days later, in the seedling bed

  • The technique of planting lotus root with terminal bud

    The technique of planting lotus root with terminal bud

    In recent years, some farmers in China have replanted lotus root with higher output value in some low-lying fields. According to the investigation, lotus plague (also known as rot disease) occurred in some lotus fields, which is the main disease of lotus root. In general, the yield of diseased fields is reduced by 20%, and the serious ones are up to 60%, 80%. First, harm symptoms: Lotus plague mainly harms the underground stem, making it brown and rotten, first.

  • Propagation and Seedling of Longevity Flower

    Propagation and Seedling of Longevity Flower

    Longevity flowers mostly use the method of asexual reproduction, in addition to cutting, but also use tissue culture to propagate. There are two ways of cutting: leaf cutting and terminal bud cutting. Leaf cutting and tissue culture are mostly used in the production of female parent seedlings, and terminal bud cuttings are mainly used in potted flower production.

  • Sagittarius sagittarius

    Sagittarius sagittarius

    Before seed collection, select high-yield fields with pure varieties, strong growth, light diseases and insect pests, and few flowering plants. Harvest when the upper part of the ground is completely dead. After harvest, the corms conforming to the characteristics of the variety, larger, heavier and more curved terminal buds are selected as seeds. Because the terminal bud is bent, it is beneficial to accumulate nutrients and is not easy to germinate. The terminal buds of the selected seed balls should be broken off, and a part of the upper part of the bulb should be taken slightly, that is, the terminal buds of the arrowhead should be poured, soaked in 50% carbendazim 600 times solution for disinfection for 20-25 minutes, and then taken out.

  • How to prune petunias, petunias topping diagram/remove terminal buds/position is appropriate

    How to prune petunias, petunias topping diagram/remove terminal buds/position is appropriate

    Petunia flower period is long, and ornamental value is high, so it is often considered to be the king of grass flowers, in order to have a pot of flourishing leaves and beautiful petunia, in addition to the correct petunia planting method, but also need to timely top it

  • Longevity flower cutting method

    Longevity flower cutting method

    Longevity flower cutting method

  • The latest cutting method of longevity flower

    The latest cutting method of longevity flower

    Longevity flower, also known as Christmas cabbage, is a perennial succulent herb. The ornamental value of longevity flowers is very high, and it is a very common indoor potted plant. Longevity flowers not only have very beautiful flowers, but also have leaves when they are not in bloom.

    2020-11-10 The latest longevity flowers cuttings methods also called Christmas
  • Bonsai appreciation: several pomegranate bonsai pruned are really experts.

    Bonsai appreciation: several pomegranate bonsai pruned are really experts.

    The annual new shoots of pomegranate are 2-3, with more spring shoots, less summer shoots and fewer autumn shoots. The flowering branches sprouted from last year's fruit. The terminal bud of the parent branch is larger, some lateral buds under the terminal bud are very full, and the primitive bodies of branches and leaves are all in the bud.

  • New technology of soybean topping to increase yield

    New technology of soybean topping to increase yield

    The terminal bud of soybean has strong growth ability and consumes a lot of nutrients. Removing the terminal bud of soybean to transfer the nutrients to the pod is beneficial to increase yield, especially for the soybean with high soil fertility and strong growth, the effect of increasing yield is more significant when the terminal bud is removed in time. The method of removing the top bud of soybean is as follows: in the early flowering stage of soybean growth peak, the top of the main stem is removed from 2 cm to 3 cm tender head, so that the top growth is inhibited, nutrients are concentrated to supply reproductive growth, promote more flowering and pod, which is beneficial to make the plant short and strong. enhance stress resistance. Soybeans should be topped & ldquo; III

  • Propagation methods of Lotus Root

    Propagation methods of Lotus Root

    Propagation methods of Lotus Root

  • The symbolic meaning of lotus and the planting method of lotus

    The symbolic meaning of lotus and the planting method of lotus

    The symbolic meaning of lotus and the planting method of lotus

  • Pruning and removing buds of tree peony and matters needing attention

    Pruning and removing buds of tree peony and matters needing attention

    Tree peony (Latin name: Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) is a perennial deciduous shrub of Ranunculaceae and Paeonia lactiflora. Beautiful flower color, jade smile and pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as the king of flowers. In the type of cultivation, it is mainly based on

    2020-11-08 Peony pruning except bud and notes peony Latin
  • The most complete pruning method after the triangle plum blossom is no longer afraid of a short flowering period.

    The most complete pruning method after the triangle plum blossom is no longer afraid of a short flowering period.

    Triangular plum is a kind of ornamental flower with a long flowering period. if it blossoms in summer, it can bloom from May to June to September and October. But many flower friends' triangle plum often blooms only once and then no longer blooms, so that the flowers and plants can be properly watched.

  • Methods of cutting propagation and matters needing attention in culture of longevity flowers

    Methods of cutting propagation and matters needing attention in culture of longevity flowers

    Longevity flowers are often propagated by cutting methods, and there are two cutting methods: leaf cutting and terminal bud cutting. generally, leaf cutting and tissue culture are mostly used in the production of female parent seedlings, and terminal bud cuttings are mostly used in potted flower production. let's take a look at the cutting propagation methods of longevity flowers.

  • The latest propagation methods of lotus root

    The latest propagation methods of lotus root

    Lotus root is an aquatic plant, also known as pond lotus, hibiscus, etc., which likes a warm and humid climate and requires sufficient sunshine, fertile and deep soil and an environment with adjustable water level. propagation methods: lotus seed propagation, whole lotus root propagation, lotus root propagation, lotus root head propagation, lotus root node propagation, top propagation.

    2020-11-10 Latest lotus root reproduction method genus aquatic plant
  • The procedure for beheading succulent plants is simple and succulent growth cannot be stopped at all.

    The procedure for beheading succulent plants is simple and succulent growth cannot be stopped at all.

    Beheading is an important way to deal with the excessive growth of succulent plants and the explosion of single-headed succulent plants. it is an important part of the reproduction of succulent plants, and it is also one of the skills that every succulent must master.

  • The cutting method of the latest longevity flower

    The cutting method of the latest longevity flower

    Longevity flowers are often propagated by cutting methods, and there are two cutting methods: leaf cutting and terminal bud cutting. generally, leaf cutting and tissue culture are mostly used for the production of female parent seedlings, and terminal bud cuttings are mostly used for potted flower production. Let's take a look at the cuttings of longevity flowers.

    2020-11-10 Latest longevity flowering cuttings methods flowers more using
  • How to plant pineapples?

    How to plant pineapples?

    How to plant pineapples? Please give guidance to pineapple cultivation can refer to the following methods: 1, the base fertilizer is generally based on pig manure, plus the same amount of ash fertilizer, compost retting. If lack of column fertilizer, compost, garbage fertilizer and other soil fertilizer can also be used, but each mu should be mixed with phosphate rock powder and bran fertilizer of 50 kg per mu.

  • Conservation methods of carnation flowers:

    Conservation methods of carnation flowers:

    1. The suitable growth temperature of potted carnation is 15-20 ℃. two。 When the terminal bud seedling grows to 15 cm high in time, the terminal bud needs to be removed. Many people do not know why they do this, in fact, to speed up the branching of carnation flowers, but they should also pay attention to timely cleaning of axillary buds in the future.
